First series: longfaced skulls around the World that remind somewhat of Combe-Capelle (Aurignacian):

· Skhul types: very archaic, different among them
· Predmosti: very similar to Combe-Capelle but less dolicocephalic and more prognathous
· Roonka: a recent Australian skull that, while having some unique Australoid traits in the vault, also resembles a lot the archaic European types in the face, nose and jaw.
Second series: more robust skulls around the World that remind somewhat of Crô-Magnon 1 and Taforalt:

Notes: These are even more different among them - acknowledged.
· Crô-Magnon 1: actually he's more recent than 30,000 BP, as it's been reviewed as belonging to a Gravettian layer, not Aurignacian. Noticed after creating the image, sorry.
· Taforalt: much more refined and "modern" than Crô-Magnon 1. More longfaced and gracile.
· Keilor: the one that most resembles Crô-Magnon 1 in my opinion.
· UC-101: included mostly because of the robust jaw. It has a much higher face than the rest but it's dolicocephalous, unlike modern Mongoloids.
· Kennewick Man: reminds somewhat of Taforalt but he's brachicephalous (the only one in the series) and has a very sloped forehead.
Finally, just to complete the European UP series, Chancelade man (Magdalenian, c. 15,000 BP, Franco-Cantabrian Region):

Notes: modern mesocephalic European skull in all aspects, in my opinion. The very narrow jaw and total lack of prognathism is particularly remarkable. It is worth noticing that recently it was discovered that the first known impacted tooth belonged to another Magdalenian skull. The small size of the jaw (in comparison to archaic types) clearly explains why.
Credits for the images to:
· Modern Human Origins
· Peter Brown
· Other forgotten sites
Please, if you know of other skulls (with available image) worth adding to the list, let me know.