The Next American Constitution
48 minutes ago
We wish to tell Bush and our opponents our real intentions: we will establish Islamic rule from Alaska and Chile to South Africa, Japan, Russia, the Solomon Islands and all the way to Iceland, be warned, we are coming.
We have worked in different organisms of the Basque National Liberation Movement until heavily armed policemen came to arrest and torture us and we have been forced to run away.
We had no option left than to face the Spanish persecution with weapons in our hands and we will make it with determination.
In spite of not being members of ETA, they wanted to kidnap and judge us as if we were. But this does not scare us, like many other people before us, we have decided to take up weapons and join Euskadi Ta Askatasuna.
Madoff is not just any Jon Doe after all. He was the star guru of Wall Street, the presiden of NASDAQ (...), mecenas of Jewish organizations, friend of Israel, director of the Hebrew Yeshiva University (...) Zionist militant, he is one of the most renowed leaders of AIPAC (US pro-Israel lobby).4. News sites:
Obviously it's so crude that truth comes alone: Madoff is the consensuated visible face of something else. Can anybody believe that someone that was scamming for so many years (...) was never spotted by the SEC or FINRA or even the FBI? [I'd add also European and Japanese regulators]
(...) many already think that we are before a controlled demolition of the financial bubble. That is: the monster is being dismantled like in demolition works with explosive charges while the money is transfered from the naive to a few select hands. bankrupticy of the Zionist investment bank Lehman Brothers and the silence of the Zionist financial lobby, Robert Rubin, few doubts remain.
Money does not vanish: what many loose, a few gain. And they have decided to gather all in their hands without any need to give account. For this purpose the US taxpayers (...) will have to pay 700 billion already compromised for the "rescue" of Wall Street (...)
The money stolen by Bernard Madoff maybe is already safe in Israel, meanwhile it will be dissimulated with the song of the "scammed Jewish investors", like Steven Spielberg (...), who all keep a suggestive silence, possibly on request.
Observations by our group and by the UCLA group of the velocities and accelerations of stars in the Galactic Center over the course of the last decade have already provided strong evidence that SgrA* is in fact a black hole of about 2.6 million solar masses. However, these measurements could not rule out some alternatives to the black hole model. Two such alternatives are a ball of massive, degenerate fermions, like neutrinos, or a cluster of dark astrophysical objects, such as stellar mass black holes or neutron stars. These two alternative explanations can now be excluded by analyzing the orbit of S2:
In spring 2002 S2 was passing with the extraordinary velocity of more than 5000 km/s at a mere 17 light hours distance -- about three times the size of our solar system -- through the perinigricon, the point of closest approach to the black hole. By combining all measurements of the position of S2 made between spring 1992 and summer 2002, we have obtained enough data in order to determine a unique keplerian orbit for this star, presented in Figure 1. It is highly elliptical (eccentricity 0.87), has a semimajor axis of 5.5 light days, a period of 15.2 years and an inclination of 46 degrees with respect to the plane of the sky. From Kepler's 3rd law we can determine the enclosed mass in a straightforward manner to be 3.7±1.5 million solar masses. Therefore at least 2.2 million solar masses have to be enclosed in a region with a radius of 17 light hours. It is not possible to explain this result with a neutrino ball model because the required neutrino masses would be too large, or with a dense cluster of dark astrophysical objects because such a cluster would have the extremely short lifetime of at most a few hundred thousand years. Compared to the lifetime of our Galaxy of the order of 10 billion years this configuration is highly improbable. The only remaining alternative to the black hole model is a ball of bosons, which would be hard to distinguish from a black hole because of its small size. However, eventually, after some time such a ball would eventually collapse to a black hole after having accreted enough matter from its surroundings. Hence, the observed keplerian orbit of S2 around SgrA* provides compelling evidence for the existence of a massive black hole at the center of our Galaxy.
Kids from lower socioeconomic levels show brain physiology patterns similar to someone who actually had damage in the frontal lobe as an adult...
It's not just that these kids are poor and more likely to have health problems, but they might actually not be getting full brain development from the stressful and relatively impoverished environment associated with low socioeconomic status: fewer books, less reading, fewer games, fewer visits to museums.
These kids have no neural damage, no prenatal exposure to drugs and alcohol, no neurological damage. Yet, the prefrontal cortex is not functioning as efficiently as it should be. This difference may manifest itself in problem solving and school performance.