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Monday, March 8, 2010

Spanish Inquisition avoids to prosecute fascist armed band

I have mentioned before the shadowy paramilitary fascist group Falange y Tradición (see:
here, here and here), which has been trying to terrorize the Basque people. And I have not been the least exhaustive, as the neonazis have taken hold particularly in Navarre and seem to act in clear connivence with Spanish nationalist parties, notably the Popular Party (essentially fascists dressed up as "christian democrats"), which basically "calls the targets" that they attack soon after.

Five members were arrested in October but two were released later and the identities of the three sent to prison have been hidden (in a very odd move) by the tribunal, causing indefension among their victims.

Manifesto of the fascist death squad welcoming the non-democratic government of López in the Western Basque Country (that they call "Vascongadas" in their rancid Francoist slang).

Now Tribunal number 3 of Pamplona is asking the Spanish Audiencia Nacional (aka Neoinquisition, special state tribunal in charge of most political and "terrorist" matters) on who is legally competent to judge these nazis. The AN has in the past declined to accept the trial, forcing the provincial tribunal to ask for this clarification of competences.

In her request, the judge states that "we are before a plurality of violent actions of clear subversive intentionality, originated at an organized, armed group with a will of persistence and hierarchical organization", what makes it a clear case to be judged by the Neoinsquisition and not just a provincial tribunal. However neither politicians nor judges are too willing to get committed in this case of fascist terrorism, showing again their true faces at the service of the Neo-Francoist state.

Update (March 9):

A new version of the same "breaking news" article at Gara, adds some details, known only because of the appeal: the names of the neonazis are now known all five are free under parole, the weapons found are exactly: a hunting rifle, and old military rifle, a bayonet and a saber, as well as some paint sprays, their actual weapons, which they used to make death threats and damages with political intent.

They are accused of:
  • Damages to the Amaiur Monolith to the heroic last resistents of Navarre in 1521.
  • Death threats in Lesaka, also against councilors.
  • Xenophobic graffiti at an Islamic exposition at Doneztebe.
  • Death threats against two taverns.
  • Threats against a neighbor of Arraiotz.
  • Undescribed sabotage at Orkoien.
  • Graffiti and destruction of a plate at a cemetery in Artika.
  • Death threats against town councilors and the major in Arbizu.
  • Death threats in graffiti on the official car of a municipal worker in Orkoien.
  • Graffiti in three taverns at Pamplona.
  • Damages in the monument to the slaves of Francoism in Igari.
  • Graffiti in the cemetery of Berrioplano.
  • Sabotage in the cemetery of Aizoain.
  • Sending a bullet to the txupinera of Bilbao Fiestas, Sonia Polo.
  • Telephone threat against the town hall of Artika.
  • Mail threat to councilor Koldo Pla.

Update (March 10): a new article gathers more details of the intricacies of the neonazi gang, only now known to the public. Most significative is that they happened to meet twice with Rogelio Taboada, the regional leader of the legal fascist party Spain 2000, a self-described National-Socialist (nazi) party, which just opened an office in the town of Zangotza (Sanüesa) in Navarre, much to the worry of its neighbors. One of their meetings happened at the swimming pool facility "General Mola" (notice the persistence of fascist names) in Pamplona, that belongs to the Spanish Army and have restricted access (however both neonazi civilians were in them). This meeting was secretly recorded by the police, including a request of weapons by J.I. Irusta, the leader of FyT, to Taboada.

They then proceeded to tap the phones of the implicated, though the details of this surveillance is not yet known.

The victims have declared that they want to be able to take a more direct role in the prosecution and feel outraged that the five nazis are free on bail, when the crimes (repeated death threats on ideological grounds, organization as "terrorist group" in order to murder) are in other cases punished with outmost severity by the Spanish legal system. If these people were Basque independentists instead of Spanish nationalists, they'd be in jail after due week of tortures and would not expect to get free in at least 10 years. I know people who has been that much in jail for far less.

But I'm munching on another question. Why is judge Ismael Moreno so reluctant to judge this gang, in spite of being clearly his competence (state prosecutors think so)? Does he fear to bother some of the real shadowy powers of Spain, which are after all who have placed him where he is?

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