Recent and still ongoing events have unfolded with unusual violence everywhere around the world. As astrologist I checked ongoing transits and the main trigger seems quite clear: Mars is appliying again (after a retrograde period of lesser intensity) into opposition to Pluto. But now Pluto is in Capricorn.
Pluto in Capricorn means radical transformation of all sort of structures, including international borders, status quo, the economy... the last time it happened was in the late 18th century (1761-1778), between the resolution of the Seven Years' War and US independence. Both events altered radically the global status quo (the first one in favor of Britain and the second not so much), preparing the situation for the transit through Aquarius that brought even more radical changes (French Revolution specially).
But along these loooong and rare transits, there are others that happen more frequently. The opposition between Mars and Pluto will happen roughly every two years. And that's what is happening right now, with the exact aspect being next thursday:

Click on thumbnail to see the chart.
I can think it's directly related to such apparently unconnected events such as:
- Israeli massacre in Palestine.
- Deployement of a US ship near the coast of Lebanon.
- Turkish incursion in Northern Iraq - and threats of a repeat soon.
- Colombian attack against FARC guerrillas in Ecuador an Venezuelan reaction mobilizing its army at the Colombian border.
- Mass killings in Armenia protests.
- Forced deportation of Hmong refugees to Laos.
- Fascist demos in Madrid and the Basque Country, with police attacking their opponents.
And what is yet to come while this transit is active.
In the previous phase (when Mars went retrograde) it was the time of the murder of Benazir Bhutto. And I issued a personalized warning to a friend who also has planets over there to be careful.
But now the opposition is not anymore in adaptable Sagittarius-Gemini but rather in passional Capricorn-Cancer. Take cover if there is any risk, specially those with placements at the cusps of either of these signs.
I agree, just to add the influences of:
1. The Solar Eclipse on February 7, 2008. at 17°56 degrees of Aquarius in opposition with the fixed star Algenubi in Leo (act in the same way as Saturn and Mars)
2. The Total Lunar Eclipse of February 21 2008 (visible over the Americas, Europe, Africa, and western Asia)
3. The Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo/Pisces with Saturn in Virgo
4. Mars in conjunction with the fixed star Menkalinan (act in the same way as Mars and Mercury)
5. Pluto square the fixed star Deneb Kaitos (Difda) (act in the same way as Saturn, or Mars, Saturn and Mercury)
We need more? ;-)
Well eclipses may be influential indeed but tend to happen every year as they are directly related to the Moon being close to its nodes at the time of the new or full Moon. This happens about twice per year, when the Sun is also close to either Lunar node.In the right circumstances, a lunar and solar eclipse can follow each other, so you can end with three or even four eclipses in a given year.
Regarding stars, I really prefer to ignore them unless clearly proven: there are just way too many and nearly all are said to mean "decapitation" (or something of the like) ;-)
Also I like to approach Astrology with some scientific angle and I tend to think that electromagnetism may be the mechanism behind astrological influence, at least partly. Fixed stars are all too distant to really make a difference, considering they are just suns (and not something really huge like the Galactic Center).
So personally I prefer to skip minor objects like distant stars or asteroideal objects like Chiron. They might anyhow exert some influence but I am not in condition to study it. Two luminaries and 10 planets/dwarf planets (plus the GC sometimes - and maybe Sedna) is all I am able to use.
There's just no human mind (nor surely computer) able to analyze the nearly infinite variables that fixed stars and all sort of asteroids and comets would imply. So, for the sake of sanity, I just scrap off the minor stuff.
Virgoan style of work: facts, analysis and simplicity. Excess of low relevance data only leads to saturation.
But I'm glad that you see that transit anyhow. As said, take cover for next Thursday's exact aspect.
The fixed stars are much bigger than our sun, and each one of them has its own huge radiation which is flowing towards our Sun, the Earth and us.
I studied fixed stars since 1989, when I started to examine Astrology.
From my experience, the fixed stars must be considered in natal horoscope and ESPECIALLY in Mundane Astrology.
I agree with you, “for the sake of sanity”, asteroids and other stones I don’t use too.
I am explorer, with 4 planets in 9th house (Uranus & Pluto in Virgo ;-), so I’m willing to study and search the prove for everything concerning the astrology too.
And not only see, I feel the transits ;-)
Yah, being double water (plus Moon conj. Neptune), you must be quite sensitive. I won't argue against that.
But regarding the stars, even if they are much bigger than our Sun, they are sooooo distant that it balances things quite against them.
Even if a star is maybe 250 times the sun (by mass, that's about the largest of supergiants, exceeding even the Eddington limit - so it's surely very short-lived in that form, it will be at a distance of many light-years, each of them being 65,700 times the distance between Earth and Sun. The closest star (not any giant) is at more than 4 light years (262,800 times the distance between Earth and Sun). Even if that would be the largest of hypergiant stars, it would at most exert an influence not larger than 1/1,000 that of the Sun. For a Sun-mass star, a lot more common, that will be about only 1/260,000.
Let's see a example: Eta Carinae: it's a some 7,500 light-years of distance and has maybe some 150 solar masses. That means that it can exert an influence of at most 0.00000003 times that of the Sun. It would fare somewhat (only somewhat) better when compared with Pluto or Eris but still just a small fraction anyhow.
I said "at most" because I now can recall that gravitational atraction decreases proportionately to the distance and if electromagnetism or whichever rationale for astrological influence does the same (not sure right now), then the effect is also exponentially smaller.
Also, the Sun creates an electromagnetic field that spans for all the Solar System until its outer edge (making a bubble out of it). So in most aspects each stellar system is independent from the others, unless they come too near and star interacting. Planets in the system should actualy create more or less subtle distortions of the field but Eta Carinae or any other fixed star surely not (or not significatively).
So I'm really uninclined to take them into consideration. The Galactic Center is surely a exception because its energy can be really brutal (and symbolically, it's the Dark Sun of all Suns - above it only the Big Bang).
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